full moon
in her swelling
Sky Grandmothers
watching over
in full force
Breath of Life
the young ones
are troubled
too many ruffled feathers
moon is ripe
to give birth
on this windy night
seal up the cracks
around the windows
to keep the babe snug
and the birthing mother
her beloved away
on a quest
but… steady
steady heart
steady breath
the rowdy elements
cannot disturb the peace
the Peacefulness
and Truth
of the Union
into other galaxies
golden crystals
on a polished forked stick
channel down
into the womb
the body of the Mother
pray with me
I take your hand
down on our knees
I release
any confusion
we pray together
for my Good life
and yours
all needs met
all Purposes fulfilled
all Unions blessed
by my Sophia Christ Light
and yours
how I walk around
the edge
of this Love for you
it’s hard to speak of
stained glass feather
of the red tailed hawk
the Golden Hawk
of the Horus
press me so close
breathe your Sun-Disc
up my spine
praising the Most High
through our liquified bodies
sun into moon
gold into silver
the salt of your sweat
runs through my channels
and veins
the Longing
the Passion
so unmanageable
that roots must be severed
thinking shatters
there is nothing
that can hold me together
I rest my face
in your low belly
arms wrapped
around your slender hips
and breathe you in
sing to the serpent
a love song
a lullaby
the Names of God
the Garden
All of Creation
on that very first morning