The View – Divine Feminine Medicine
Where is your suffering?
in your body?….chronic pain, indigestion, exhaustion, complex immune or neurological symptoms that are undiagnosed…
or your mind?…anxiety, brain fog, overwhelm, intrusive thoughts and negativity…
or in your relationships or circumstances that are unfulfilling or stressful or feel diminishing?….
Where is your longing for your divinity, your deep soul connection with your true Essence?
it is there at the core of your suffering….
we suffer because our systems, body-mind-heart, are trying to awaken and need help to do that…
this is what we are here to learn…
we suffer because we are used to doing things in a fear-based way that no longer serves and ultimately obstructs the very thing we want the most….deep communion and inner peacefulness…
the roots of suffering are patterns…
sets of frequencies…
a hologram of habits that are outdated….
physiological and emotional habits, metabolic and autonomic habits, habits in the psychology and energy flow in the body, and mental habits…
in spiritual terms we call this karmic conditioning…our habitual tendencies based on the patterns that we have unconsciously been fueling for eons…
the healing of suffering is in the transforming of these patterns and the stepping into your awakening…
they are one in the same…
we align with Inner Resource and learn to let thoughts, feelings, and sensations move through….
we engage with the suffering fear-based patterns of reactivity in an alchemical, shamanic process and reference processes and practices which entrain new pathways in the physiology and nervous system, psyche, mental processes and inner seeing…
we work on the spectrum of subtle to gross, formless into form…from the deepest dimension of You, your Soul and your energy and emotional bodies, into your nervous system, organs, tissues, and metabolic and endocrine processes, and into the circumstances of your life…
I offer you direct Teachings and Healing Sessions to accomplish this…
Song of the Dakini Tantras

Illumination through Verse