The Girl Wants a Ring

The Girl Wants a Ring

the girl wants a ring Tuesday afternoon at 2:42 pm her favorite shop that sells the cheap, glittery rings made from metal that turns green on the finger is closed for some unknown reason perhaps the pounding rain the girl wants a ring she came home from school that...


weeping wailing retching shitting black sewage white poison brown gelatin from the canned cat food a hand on my back a hand on my brow my god my goddess I break I scatter my dreams burn my skin my hopes explode in my face my fears are too dreadful to inhabit if I...
The Lama Washes Dishes

The Lama Washes Dishes

the lama washes dishes at least she did at my house or was it hers? white plates silver pots and lots of plastic containers with lids piled high on the wooden drainboard she wore her robes deep maroon offset with an ivory border I don’t know how her sleeves...